Monday, July 03, 2006

Soda, sure... but bread?

So I was looking at the ingredients of bread, and sure enough, there
was HFCS in it. And this is the healthy whole grain stuff. Not white
fluff. And then I checked the ingredients in our local bakery's white
fluff... and no HFCS. I may need to allow bread in my diet, just
because it's kind of hard to pack a lunch with out it.
Also a bummer is the realization that every soda has HFCS as the
second ingredient, after carbonated water. I spent 5 minutes going
through the convenience store, looking at soda, saying dang, and
pissing off the guy outside waiting for me. I finally settled on some
LifeWater or some weird thing like that...
Yesterday I was playing capture the flag in a grocery store, and they
had starbursts out... those are definitely out. I didn't eat any.


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